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placeholder description; linter will ignore this


Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
badlands None
cities None
conifers (e.g. pine, spruce, fir, cypress) None
crop trees (nuts, fruit, christmas trees, nursery trees) None
farmstead None
gravel None
hardwoods (e.g. oak, hickory, elm, aspen) None
hayland None
horticultural plants (e.g. tulips) None
industrial areas None
intermixed hardwood and conifers None
marshlands (grass, sedges, rushes) None
meadows (grasses, alfalfa, fescue, bromegrass, timothy) None
mines or quarries None
mudflats None
oil waste areas None
pastureland (grasslands used for livestock grazing) None
permanent snow or ice None
rainforest (evergreen forest receiving greater than 406 cm annual rainfall) None
rangeland None
roads or railroads None
rock None
row crops None
saline seeps None
salt flats None
sand None
shrub crops (blueberries, nursery ornamentals, filberts) None
shrub land (e.g. mesquite, sage-brush, creosote bush, shrub oak, eucalyptus) None
small grains None
successional shrub land (tree saplings, hazels, sumacs, chokecherry, shrub dogwoods, blackberries) None
swamp (permanent or semi-permanent water body dominated by woody plants) None
tropical (e.g. mangrove, palms) None
tundra (mosses, lichens) None
vegetable crops None
vine crops (grapes) None


Name Description
cur_land_use placeholder description; linter will ignore this

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

description: placeholder description; linter will ignore this
rank: 1000
    text: badlands
    text: cities
  conifers (e.g. pine, spruce, fir, cypress):
    text: conifers (e.g. pine, spruce, fir, cypress)
  crop trees (nuts, fruit, christmas trees, nursery trees):
    text: crop trees (nuts, fruit, christmas trees, nursery trees)
    text: farmstead
    text: gravel
  hardwoods (e.g. oak, hickory, elm, aspen):
    text: hardwoods (e.g. oak, hickory, elm, aspen)
    text: hayland
  horticultural plants (e.g. tulips):
    text: horticultural plants (e.g. tulips)
  industrial areas:
    text: industrial areas
  intermixed hardwood and conifers:
    text: intermixed hardwood and conifers
  marshlands (grass, sedges, rushes):
    text: marshlands (grass, sedges, rushes)
  meadows (grasses, alfalfa, fescue, bromegrass, timothy):
    text: meadows (grasses, alfalfa, fescue, bromegrass, timothy)
  mines or quarries:
    text: mines or quarries
    text: mudflats
  oil waste areas:
    text: oil waste areas
  pastureland (grasslands used for livestock grazing):
    text: pastureland (grasslands used for livestock grazing)
  permanent snow or ice:
    text: permanent snow or ice
  rainforest (evergreen forest receiving greater than 406 cm annual rainfall):
    text: rainforest (evergreen forest receiving greater than 406 cm annual rainfall)
    text: rangeland
  roads or railroads:
    text: roads or railroads
    text: rock
  row crops:
    text: row crops
  saline seeps:
    text: saline seeps
  salt flats:
    text: salt flats
    text: sand
  shrub crops (blueberries, nursery ornamentals, filberts):
    text: shrub crops (blueberries, nursery ornamentals, filberts)
  shrub land (e.g. mesquite, sage-brush, creosote bush, shrub oak, eucalyptus):
    text: shrub land (e.g. mesquite, sage-brush, creosote bush, shrub oak, eucalyptus)
  small grains:
    text: small grains
  successional shrub land (tree saplings, hazels, sumacs, chokecherry, shrub dogwoods, blackberries):
    text: successional shrub land (tree saplings, hazels, sumacs, chokecherry, shrub
      dogwoods, blackberries)
  swamp (permanent or semi-permanent water body dominated by woody plants):
    text: swamp (permanent or semi-permanent water body dominated by woody plants)
  tropical (e.g. mangrove, palms):
    text: tropical (e.g. mangrove, palms)
  tundra (mosses, lichens):
    text: tundra (mosses, lichens)
  vegetable crops:
    text: vegetable crops
  vine crops (grapes):
    text: vine crops (grapes)