Slot: ~~submitted_to_insdc~~ (deprecated)

Depending on the study (large-scale e.g. done with next generation sequencing technology, or small-scale) sequences have to be submitted to SRA (Sequence Read Archive), DRA (DDBJ Read Archive) or via the classical Webin/Sequin systems to Genbank, ENA and DDBJ. Although this field is mandatory, it is meant as a self-test field, therefore it is not necessary to include this field in contextual data submitted to databases

URI: mixs.vocab:MIMAG_submitted_to_insdc

Domain and Range

MIMAG1..1 String



Used by

Other properties

Aliases: submitted to insdc
Mappings: MIXS:0000004
Comments: Expected value: boolean
Examples: Example(value='yes', description=None)